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Oct 2017
The Fleeting sounds of scurrying footsteps
that scatter away in dust covered shame
of stolen moments from a childs innocence
but when questioned the reason they refrain

When a child begins he knows not what is bad
only the world that he lives before his eyes
when his world breaks making his smile sad
he finds deception that torments his pride

The riddle of life begins and ends the same
of ones who were children remaking the game
only to hide from what has brought them shame
to live in the truth of their chosen domain

Can a child change the future that binds him
or left to change into the opposite of innocence
hiding from everything that he once believed in
justifying the reason that creates his indifference

Or can innocence learn to forgive its deception
of all the pain that caused it to fall and hinder
from the proud being who lived only for revelation
to the lonely coward who hides from his reflection
Brandt Hott
Written by
Brandt Hott
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