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Oct 2017
give me give me a path of thorns
that will rip and tear my civil clothes
show me the path to come to know
the heart of life that always glows

beat me judge me throw me to the abyss
for the crime to know the meaning of bliss

forgive me to be but forgive me to deny
what makes me a man also makes me blind
let me also  suffer for all that I learn
but let me live that also I can return

to my innocence that was all forgotten
like the beginning of the same end
of the passion to love and learn its begin
the life of a person is not without reason

let me suffer for all thats lost
and in my time learn to not forget
all the life of whats before the eyes
all the life and passion to never regret

let live and forgive for what is not
that we all have the value to be
so that no-one is ever or will be lost
in the shadows of what they cannot see
Brandt Hott
Written by
Brandt Hott
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