there are men in my life would find it **** to look in on a woman bathing a puppy. they are good men, and wrong. I met your husband in the waiting room of an abortion clinic 101 miles from where you live and 73 from where you work. I know some intimate things- you were driving, your son was playing the flute. I know the damage a flute can do- it does a number on the lips. I was moving my hands in my lap imagining film trays of broken water as if I might guess with my knees the weight of a newborn. your husband has a wobbly right knuckle. with that face he could be a mime. he could be armless. I tried to think of my belly as a balloon with a manageable amount of candy on the end of its string. the night last to this morning I put a pillow under my back and tried to fall asleep but I have one eye insists to understudy the moon. pregnancy as idée fixe- moon and balloon. your **** daughter wants a puppy but where would we put it.