Writing down the names of the silence-breakers in the class, I got them lashed well; Never failed to put my hand on my mouth Wherever I saw the instruction ‘Keep Silence'; Learned to be disciplined on the admonition ‘don't make noise'; Heard many a time the talk ‘Chatterers and Patriotism'; Hung on the wall the pictures of those who ordered ‘hold your tongue and do work'; Practiced regularly special yoga for taming the tongue, And got habituated to vow of silence. Now my tongue owns the endurance of saying nothing On seeing or hearing anything. I haven't wasted even a single opportunity to escape With the adornment of silence. I live in total silence excelling the dumb Now life is perfectly happy. The fear of assaulting those with dissenting voices No longer affects me. The only discomfort is this: An uncooked piece of flesh lies across my mouth, Unable to spit out or swallow.