Onward into the misty, dawn of morning day. I walk through the enchanted trails that guide me as I pray. No more can plots against me stand. I came to conquer, like a knight that battles for his kingdom's land. No more can jealous envy of enemies prevail. I say and thus declare... "they fail!" With my breeze swept hair, into the sunset glow. I move onward with each step, I further go. No more from slander, can it hurt me from grudges. Let them feel backfire onto them that judges. With my armor scratched, yet I hold high my sword; I conquer through the castle wall's of time, as I take my pen to write this word. Goodbye enemies that whisper secrets behind my back. Your power fades as wisdom, knowledge lacks. For I got up, no more headaches and no more pain. I learned how to defend my honor, and turn loss to gain. I enter the palace through enchanting gates, of purple gardens adorn. Flowers bloom, yet not with thorn. I cast them out, i cut them off. No more weakness, I can be tough. I have long ago grieved and now bury that crown of yesterday. I rise from the past that tried to destroy, from the bullies and nay sayer.... I move onward each day! One step at a time and with my protection through day and night. I soar like an eagle as.... 'My words take flight.'