Do you ever lie alone at night in an empty house with nothing but the sound of your breathing in and out in and out in and out to keep you company in the still dark night?
Do you ever notices how your breathing so alone and loud in that silent room seems like the loneliest sound in the world?
And do you notice once you relaize how lonely your breath is that you are lonely too?
That you yearn to feel the touch of another fingers ghosting down your shoulder caressing the knots of your spine the beat of another heart the rustle of clothes as they shift beside you?
I am used to being alone
I need no one but it does not mean that from time to time my breath my body my very being doesn't get lonely from time to time for the touch of another.
For a simple twining of fingers.
For a twining of bodies a twining of minds a twining of hearts a twining of souls.
(Do you want me like I want you? Do you want me at all? Is your breath lonely too? Be careful how you answer me for I am clumsy and quick to fall.)