So many tables in so many bars so many glasses and so many filths in them so many broken dreams so many frustrations so many broken hearts so many lusts so many gazes so many smiles so much loneliness
things lost things found
and what for? have all those sorrows taught you anything? are you still looking for the same tastes? the same pleasures? are they useful if you were so drunk that you can't even remember them?
take all those things crush them and shape them into a ball and keep it because at the end of the day is the only thing you have
it doesn't exist the love you dreamed about neither does exist the magic you thought you had
so the only thing that is left is to take that ball to take it very strongly and to crush it and to squeeze it every time you make a decision
and still like that you will keep looking in tables of bars and glasses and broken dreams and lusts and broken hearts and you will find smiles and you will find gazes and you will lose things and you will find others
and at least you're not alone anymore now you have your ball