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May 2018
I peer over the edge unsure
If I want to leap or look  once more
No matter how many times it's all same
Only darkness to its name
As my chains grow heavy I sigh
I know I can't stay this why?

I glance over the edge....nothing to see
My chains have grown lose...I could slip out....does this edge spell freedom for me?
I it even possible for me to be free?
Whispers of encouragement steer me to believe
That it might be possible for me to escape!....for even me to leave

Static far too loud to ignore hurts my ears
One indistinguishable heard it too many times over the years
I lose faith as I peer at the edge between my tears
A large hand caresses my cheek
A warm voice tells me not to be meek
To go after what I seek
As I slip off my chains and stand at the edge I realize I'm in between
No longer chained but not yet free
And completely unsure of what I want to be
I peer back to the chains, it's not ideal but it's everything I know
But beyond the edge are kind hands and a warm home to go.
I sturdy my will, take a breath, and get ready to leap
As peer back before I do and tears begin to seep
I turn around run to my chains and sigh
These are my life, one I want to give up so why?
......I'll be free.
I can't take these with me
"Someday I'll come back and see."
How it survived without me.
Written by
Leanna  19/F/United States
(19/F/United States)   
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