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Oct 2017
Was it love?
Is that an accurate description?
It wasn't enough;
we couldn't hold it in our hands.
In my heart it was merely sand,
imprisoned in an hourglass
escaping through the holes you punctured with every betrayal and broken vow,
yet you say let's fix it now?
Duct tape can't fix a broken love,
can't mend a heart that never felt enough,
can't fix the broken promises and shattered dreams;
there's not enough thread to mend these seams.
I was a china doll until I shattered,
cold and fragile, if your word mattered,
but you only knew how to warm the bed;
you didn't care to warm my heart.
Still wonder how it all fell apart?
Yes we thought we had forever
but even if I can be glued back together
love tarnished is just not good enough;
but again, I ask, was it even love?
Written by
Mandi  F/Tennessee
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