I want to write a poem so beautiful it makes your head spin A poem so amazing that there is no more room for speech or higher sense of knowledge only tears and feelings no one can quite explain A poem that's fresh A poem that's new A poem that will wrap you up, take you in, and eat you from the insides out Only to then spit you back, sitting there bare and confused a gooey mess drenched in an unfamiliar substance Something that will make the heavens shake Make the earth quake And make the boys and girls stop feeling like they have to be fake Not this mere poetry Filled with amateurs and over used rhymes Cliches which would stop you on a dime With only the first grade teachers and the proud mothers who keep reading None of that I want nothing to do with you or your hopeless dreams and unfulfilled schemes just wasting time making no use or yourself I want this poem to take you by the hand, lead you through you life, whispering secrets and playful lyrics And with it you should be able to taste the sky, hear the grass, and feel the night But you already knew that didn't you