Hair a dark cloud, each strand silk... not weaving, softly stacked upon each other. Just strands of silk assembled in waves and wisps, an airyness to the touch.
Lips like pillows, pillows for mine that spark brain waves of a special kind of sedation; One that brings me to a state of blissful tingle.
A voice; a tune to my heart's beat and lyrics that make it flutter. A voice that paralyzes mine, for my ears perk up and my mind lies down to hear your sweet sound... forever ready for the next song.
A touch, a cooled flame that spreads a simmering warmth and ignites radiance in my skin. Ours melt slightly, delicately together... with this touch.
Eyes to match his locks. Dark pools, opaque mystique. It's parts nearly indistinguishable. Calling to curiosity, baiting my desire.