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Jul 2012
What happens when your good
isn’t good enough?
What happens when the going
gets too tough?
What happens when your love
isn’t strong enough
to keep the world upright?

What happens when your mind
is left open to the world?
What happens when the mirror
shows just a little girl?
What happens when you try
to bear the weight of the world on your shoulders-
and you drop it?

What happens when the world is yours
and then it slips away?
What happens when your life
turns into just another day?
What happens when you have a book
of things you want to say
that you can’t?

What happens when your wishes
stay at the bottom of the well?
What happens when your secrets
aren’t worth enough to tell?
What happens when your world becomes
a scattered, living hell
and there’s no escape?

What happens when the light
at the end of the tunnel goes out?
What happens when you’re living
in a shadow of doubt?
What happens when you lose
that thing you just can’t live without
and there’s nothing left?

What happens when you die
with your whole life left to live?
What happens when you lie
because there’s no truth left to give?
What happens when the only one left
to save you is you,
and you’re the reason you’re lost in the first place?
Ellis Brown
Written by
Ellis Brown
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