The word friend is overused In my experience, it’s the second most overused word Right alongside the most: love It seems we associate the word “friend” to just about everyone In reality, however, a friend is one who cares Who knows Who understands And who does their best to save another from the hell that is life Therefore, friends should not cause another to feel abandoned Alone in the darkest of nights To fend for themselves when their life is so off balance that they can’t even stand A friend, therefore, should not embarrass another Should not gang up and call out another Funny how people are so different in different settings Its like being friends with three separate people When one is true and the other two eat you up like a minnow We have become a world of “friends” Which, now, is almost in equivalent to the word “bully” And they wonder why I don’t want to be their friend They only care when I look like I'm falling down the deep end And they'll only stop to question their “friendliness” Until perhaps, not even after I'm dead.