They say once your heart is Broken there's a Clock on when you cry I mean you Wake up in the morning and you're whispering his name I wonder why it Hits me when I'm Staring in the mirror, counting all the reasons I would prob'bly leave me too but you know That's the ******* problem that's why All the bad boys win they Teach you that your image isn't Whole when they're not there they Twist your arm behind your back cause You like to hold their hand and Then when they let go it's like the Pain of phantom limb, you Wish there was that pressure still that Felt like you belonged but "Property" and "follow me" aren't really What you need there's Not so many hours just to Give to someone else you Have to wonder if you want to be Obedient or not my point Is that I'm so in love that I can't tie my shoes but I know that If I asked he wouldn't Bend his knees to help so as much As I don't like to shake or Lie myself to sleep I Recognize that hazel eyes are Not my Golden Fleece and Cold steel in my stomach tells me "Call just one more time" but Nothing about how he speaks Suggests that he's still mine and You know that's the ******* problem that I Want to own him too I Want promises that make the days Seem shorter than they are I'm Definitely broken but that's not What matters most It's that every time I see his face I Flinch a little less so Please let me remind you and I Guess myself as well that Clocks are obsolete unless You choose to face the wall