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Sep 2017
a signed contract with a stroke of my signature
and a *** of money gone from my bank account

gave me a cheap rent in a city for a year
city full of people whom choose to stare at their phone

where i arrived in a house full of lonely people
each in their individual room with boring fumbles

so different and similar in every aspect of human being
made me wonder if i would like them at all

it's hard to concentrate on which voices to listen to
when they all talk loud as Punch and Judy

they continue to talk and talk, taking my ears
soon i may need some hearing aid i swear

they; complain, tell stories, share experience,
make some rude jokes and bickers here and there

fights and dramas are everyday nonchalant drinks
served either with hot or cold dishes

but in the end i would like to think
we are all a individual puzzle pieces

where we puzzle and wonder over how we can fit in
and somehow manage to get accepted anyhow

making a complete picture of
a house full of not-so-lonely people
Written by
killjoy  Canada
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