The battle within writhes without while Two twinkling eyes shut night against night And the fortnight’s closure remains on your mind For the want of something to make you blind Three well wishes were hurriedly sent To the one you hoped would thoroughly miss Your presence in time, in thought, in breath And the carnival acts that you trace and test No longer leaving enough courage to sit Upon the high seat of Angels or comets or dust That we then must align the thoughts of the few Who graze in the pastures of the multitude Who grow deep within themselves many a thought That will pass through the ages of time Never ceasing and never making decline But always the uprising of the sovereign mind And then the days numbered will be one hundred and twelve And the people will know within their hearts Of the signs on the doors, and writings on the walls Of the death and destruction and of red waterfalls Of the eternal decline and the eternal rise Of the ever-present dichotomy in the Joker’s mind So take heed my friends for the words aren’t so clear As we all fast draw near to the end And the beginning, and all in between Lost is the way, but found is once more The fashion amongst the gods So let it be said, and let it be read The future bears down We must accept