when introspection goes wrong: i thought too much and now i'm sad should be the name of my autobiography though there will be nothing but your name in the bibliography as i tell my life's story interspersed with your wisdom and hope that sharing your thoughts might help others as a mechanism to living their best life and knowing the difference between someone holding them back and someone promoting them reevaluating the weight they give society's expectations and instead taking that energy and devoting it to self improvement and things that matter connoting that they should be their own priority something i could stand to learn from you or at least take to heart when you tell me yet again
i guess if i'm being honest my "tired" looks an awful lot like depression if you hold it up to the light
and i suppose if truth be told my "insomnia" looks more like introspection turned anxiety from late night over-thinking
and honestly, it's not that i'm "not feeling well" it's that my executive dysfunction is getting bad and that means it's hard for me to even function on the most basic level that there is and as much as it scares me to tell you all this i promised i would always be honest so here's the truth
i am just a ****** up girl standing in front of a ****** up guy asking him to hold her hand and tell her it will be okay because for some reason i believe you when you say it