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Jun 2012
I'm getting this **** down
Because it’s my last night in town
You could make a man want to leave everything
I have left everything
I came back in to see what smile you had on your face
When I heard the door slam
I knew it was over
Right when I walked out
I had a new lover
Her name was freedom
And I was a fighter
I broke down that wall
And built one higher
That is where I am now
I'm a ******* freedom writer
I have been under your stars
I remember seeing you fall
I believe, you brought me back home
When everyone was too ****** up to drive
We had nothing left to do
But live or die
The decision was lingering in the air
I didn't care, You weren't there
I'm sorry we had to meet under these conditions
Just wait up for me tonight
I promise I'll be there
Right when your eyes lower and you sink off
Into a great unknown
I'm there with you.
Andrew McElroy
Written by
Andrew McElroy  30/M/Florida
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