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Jun 2012
When did things get this real?
What happened when I last saw you?
Did the words I say not mean a ******* thing?
I guess, my vision is a little blurry
But all I see, all I need is a little concentration
All you are is a voice of my past
The wind sings songs of my sins
But the water cleanses my burnt skin
It washed my rough hands clean of the blood from the ancients
The sky is getting darker
And your words are only getting softer
My ears and eyes can't take the lashing that I deserve
But there is no time to be hasty or rash
The decisions that are made, cannot be replaced
So that is when you get off of your high tower and drown yourself in your fears
They have come back from the dead to haunt you
The ghost won't stop
She was unrelenting
I can hear you begging for daylight to come
Please wake me from this horrible day-dream
It is all too real
I don't think I can stand you anymore
My heart and mind cannot take the beating I deserve.
I have put up with this for the last time
I don't think I deserve this
I have taken as much as I ever could
I am truly done trying
Get ready to live or continue your life lying.

All I needed was your word.
But it's all too late now.
The worms have eaten their way into my brain.
And yet, all I hear is your ******* and complaining

I have lived for you, for the last ******* time.
Andrew McElroy
Written by
Andrew McElroy  30/M/Florida
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