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Jun 2012
I feel a euphoric wave of love
When you kiss my lips
I hear a faint whisper, Hello
When you embrace my ears
With your words
You can make hearts stop
Make stars drop
I see an angel
When I open my eyes
I feel your touch
In the hazy night

The taste of your sweet lips
Will never be gone
You hold the world’s treasures
On the tip of your tongue
Long waves of hair
Smother me every hour.
Eyes sparkling diamonds
So overpowering
Like an ocean of waves
You bring thousands of waves
To demolish my beach
Every night.
How do you do it?
Let me in
I need your touch
You want my love?
You need my love.

In this starry night
Two starrs have crossed
They have ended in lust
Down falls the dust
It covers us up
And ends the night
with love

a stranger in the crowd.
Andrew McElroy
Written by
Andrew McElroy  30/M/Florida
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