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Sep 2017
find the fall leaves,
the whistling wind,
and the tickling trees,
the warm brewed coffee that has a pleasant sting to your fingertips,
the enlarged sweaters that's sleeves engulf the palms of anyone who cares to throw them on,
the scarves and mittens,
the bats and kittens,
the delightful treats that consist of pumpkin and cinnamon and a great deal of wonderful things all come swirling together.
it may not be the time of which i was born,
but it is the time where you'll find me
just as me,
laying in a scarf and oversized sweater, full with homely foods and steamed coffee, toes curled with warm socks.
there's no place i'd rather be,
than a large oak tree,
just like this,
in the fall.
© Madelaine E. Base 2017
Madelaine E Base
Written by
Madelaine E Base  17/F
     --- and Benjamin
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