Anne drew in a drag of thick, suede cigarette smoke she turned to her lover on the pillow, pivoting her jaw to face him and muttered: “I miss the way you used to spank me, loudly proclaiming your passion for my inner thigh and rubbing my **** with your tongue. I haven’t been happy in a very long while. I sit here, each night, waiting for you to tell me that I love you but you hold it in, like a drag of thick, suede cigarette smoke.”
Andrew turned to Anne and smiled broadly, saying: “I’ve loved you since the moment I set eyes upon you. I caught a glance of you gleaming in the moonlight after we left the disco in separate cars, friends surrounding everyone. I told you then to call me, and you didn’t. But I waited three days until I found you at the coffee shop, alone, and said ‘hello’.”
Each sighed and dropped the pretense of knowing what the other was seeing. Then, they turned toward opposite directions and slowly fell into themselves