Anticipation is a powerful drug. It heals suffering Looking forward to something, such a fantastic feeling Everyone should experience Anticipation in their lifetime Everyone will experience Anticipation in their lifetime Anticipation kills fear and births happiness It creates smiles and destroys frowns And that moment When you finally feel the ******, the result of all built up Anticipation Truly jaw dropping Eye opening Great
Anticipation is not for everyone, especially people who let it consume themselves too much And of those with Anxiety Some find it easy to confuse the feeling of Anxiety with the feeling of Anticipation A silly mistake, easily fixed with a simple dosage of Realization
Warning, side effects of Anticipation may include Butterflies Nausea Diarrhea Wanting to sleep the day away to make the thing you are anticipating come faster Loss of appetite Over-excitement
This does not effect everyone with Anticipation, however, One side effect that does inflict all is the satisfaction The satisfaction of the event behind all of this Anticipation