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Sep 2017
Balancing the congestion of living
Added time frowning on repeat
It creeps up on you the littlest tickles
Of who when where did I run
Flamboyant fires of putrid decades
Lost in a dream like daze
Time swallowed pleasure of red
To fear notions of offered prominence
Grab that **** and sit with it
Tie it down and feed it self
Nurture preserve pasteurize
Sell it to the feeble tribe
Don't forget the ultimate cash
To be there in royal rations
Enabled served dry and fresh
Reciprocated from ones true love
Remembrance of downed foreign troops
Reeds of valor will never be quelled
Quite before runaway entitlement blooms
To the victims of lust come the valley of plaudits complacency
Written by
Jake  37/M
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