Gulls, gannets brooding vying for plankton Acrobatic flights, flappings Swarm the blue Chirping, tweeting another To lave the silvery sea.
Impishly unclad moppets Running and frolicking, Some helping their Fishermen father untwine nets The evening venture their chaste aim.
Over the horizon Is the Yellow Face Lustring like a Gigantique Bohemian Chandelier Lapping on the repose waters.
Someday when am ripe and mellow With means to own a crew I will sail up that mulky horizon And touch that glowing cosmic disc.
But mater says "The horizon doesn't end" "It goes in league miles" "Even when a yore mile is sailed" "It's unattainable, puerile and trifling" She'd opine.
Only these chiding words of hers I never take for a dime, I will engage in my venture I will stand to be corrected.
This is my only demure dream I will endeavour and suckle her I wouldn't want an elegiac ending In this beach I've known for eon.
A piece for anybody who holds dream of sailing the world over.