strapped to the darkest horse on a hell-bound carousel here where colors envelop each other reds devouring greens in a maelstrom of artificial light until inexplicably time crawls to the beat of a hibernating heart and she can locate her bearings strewn amongst the dust of the cottonmouthed ground and regain them.
she trips stumbles into a cloud of mushrooms as their caps unscrew and come loose red-tipped pills scatter like rats each with a tinny metal voice shrieking a harsh cacophony of swallow me while the roses with thorns of syringes bristling down their backs pull out their plungers and wait.
she bolts from fright and pressure into the badly beaten path into the fender of the massive carriage into the beams of the heart-shaped headlights cutting cards through her porcelain flesh a royal flush an imperceptible gasp—
a small white rabbit wide-eyed in the dirt twitching to the rhythm of the hands of his smashed and derelict pocketwatch.