I lay here, confused about where I am I feel my body and I feel my skin But it's this unnerving feeling I keep seeming to get I don't know it yet.
And I ensile other thoughts, knowing what you need I ask and answer anything I feel so disconnected to who I am I don't know who, and I definitely don't understand.
I ask you so many times how I can Alleviate this pain, don't ask me how I am I cannot answer, if I don't know How do we seem so disconnected, two days ago we were so close.
You think I'm causing trouble I would know when I am I'm causing it to myself and my mind I feel a sense of being snubbed, who knows why?
It's that frustration that I can't get to go It's that feeling of failing but underserving, never saying no Mistrusted, misrepresented, misunderstood by myself That's what I am.