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Jun 2012
May 31, 2012*

We had quite an adventure
in our marriage didn’t we,
you and me

… and him

But it ****** near killed me!
You didn’t know that did you.
Though you might have guessed it,
Thought you might have been afraid
I’d “off myself”
and leave you feeling so guilty
that it would throw you off your *** with
you know…
for a day or two

I was seven stories up
on the balcony of our Toronto apartment
and balancing on the edge of the railing
when I realized,
(luckily before a wind came up),
that you weren’t worth it.
and that I was

Yes, we sure had an adventure
didn’t we
like being thrown in a vat of acid
and our eyes stapled open

James H. Webb
J H Webb
Written by
J H Webb  Canada
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