I will never be good enough for you And I don't need to I'm like Picasso abused Like a genius misunderstood And thrown away in a garbage can Your trash is my treasure
But I'm better that I'm more than you think You raised your concerns About me, your insecurities, Projected onto me I will never be what you desire I will never become what you are I am my own, I am my self A very product of my own creation Brought into existence by the big bang of my first breath And sustained by the air of my world Continuing because of me
I hear the words I need to and the rest is ******* I walk the road I paved it all on my own Its me, why would I ever adhere to be what you think I am I am nothing of what you percieve You do not know me You have an alien in your mind that You think is me I'm am not what you think because it Makes it easy for you to control By believing this image You projected Its not me It is never me
No you cannot take that away from me My identity belongs in my hands and my mind My history that I write On these scribbled pages These papers, in my book I made me It is a beautiful masterpiece that many have applauded
You are not an artisan You are not the greatest You know nothing of what it means to suffer as an artist
I am the perfect living thing, The being of poetic prowess, The writer of spectular stories, I am the musician of intrigue, I am the philosopher of ages, I am underrated You are so overrated You are nothing You have painted the illusion of your own ego Forcefed me these lies until I believed them No! Not now, not anymore I am my maker. I am God. I know myself
And you do not see me for who I really am You see what your eyes want you to see And its a farce, its a joke, I have done things you could never dream of doing My whole life is an achievement That needs to be analysed by world class historian And journalists and film makers will make documentaries about me Trust me, you think I am weak But I am so strong Stronger than you could ever imsgine
I can move mountains, and break boulders, and pour rain from clouds, I can spread the sun out in the sky
You will never destroy me With your paranoia Your crucifix I'll take it down Throw it away In the rubble of dirt Buried beneath the ground You are the idol I worshipped that punished me
No longer I will stand on my two feet As I always have As I always will You can laugh at Gloria Gaynor Like yiu laugh at everything with your cynical drawl But she was right I will survive I will make it the top
I will not let these projections become me, They are yours. Push them through the window And bounce them off the walls They are not mine, your thoughts do not belong to me Get away from me I've surpassed your monstruous ideology. You are the foreigner stealing my thoughts I run, I stand, I climb. I exist. I move forward. I am better than this.