There I stood. Body trembling, hearing only manic depressive echoes. On one side, mournful cries, on the other, sheer harmonics. There was a feeling of dream-like reality. Some great force enveloped my body, compelling me to stagger forward. With no realization of the whereabouts of my being, I conceded to follow my feelings, as I always did. With each step I took, I could see and feel and experience a new part of my life that had already happened. It was a chronological walk in time.
The conflicting noises ahead continued to get louder and more distinct. On one side there was a gnashing of teeth; screaming and yelling ruled. It was riotous, and strange looking people were festering about. They scowled and spat at me; the smell--repelling. On the other side, there was a great feeling of unity. Great stillness and serene calmness. An entity secure within itself. There were much fewer on this side. I chose to walk close to this side.
My knees buckled, but I miraculously remained standing. There I stood; facing the Creator.
Anticipating God’s words, I prematurely smiled expecting open arms. God, in all His righteous power, simply pointed at me and thundered; “I know ye not!”