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Jun 2012
Weaving through these memories, I glimpse...
The plains I lied in to watch the clouds,
When I really just watched you.
The woods that floated in fog before me,
While I floated in your eyes.
The ocean waves I trespassed,
As I swam out to your smile.
The desert sands that stung my eyes,
To make you a mirage through my tears.
Volcanic fires that would have melted me,
If I had not already melted in your gaze.
The ice that clawed my warmth away,
And gave it back when it reached my heart
And saw how much I loved you.
Weaving through these memories I glimpse...
A darkened room and lying on the floor,
As silently her hand slipped into mine.
The theater playing Casablanca,
When suddenly I felt her head in the soft spot on my shoulder.
An empty scene filled only with
The kiss of an angel.
The blindfold on my eyes,
As her whispers tickled my ears.
Falling away into dreams,
As she softly snores beside me.
A ring slowly sliding on my finger,
From the veil that hid her face,
But could not hide the joy between us.
Weaving through these memories I glimpse...
Six jobs, two apartments, and one house
We shared together.
The wrinkles etching themselves in our faces,
Though they still couldn’t hide our dimples.
The times we argued....and always came out stronger,
Even if we didn’t agree.
Falling in love again,
Every time we watched Casablanca.
The most wonderful and utterly frightening news I’d ever heard,
Which is just what she said after she’d gone to the doctor.
Two infants, two kids, two teens, two adults,
Because though they’re the same,
Each left their own impression on us.
Weaving through these memories I know
She will always be the one I loved without end,
Through each of these steps of love.
This was meant as a kind of answer to one of those "where do you see yourself in 20 years?" questions.
Zach Sanders
Written by
Zach Sanders
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