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Aug 2017
Sweet sister of God,
Love you with every
Ounce of my heart.

There is not a sweeter
Sister like you, you see?

You have so many
Loving and great
Unique qualities.

Favorite one of all,
Is your sweet and
Loving poetry.

Sisters are strong,
We will forever cheer
Them up, when
We see and feel
Like there is something
Totally wrong.

I'm here for you,
When you
Want to sing
A sweet and
Loving song.

We are true sisters
Of God for life,
Always member
I'm always here
For you

No matter what
Storm you're
Going through,

I'm always going
To be here for you.
Β©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger
Written by
Cherisse Unger  40/F/Colorado
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