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Aug 2017
Take me away
I'm your arms tonight
Father God
You'll always be
The way of this sweet
Little girls life

You wash away
All my pain
You heal my hurt
When I feel like
There is no
Other way in life

Taking me away
Father Jesus
To your kingdom

I open up the Bible
And notice across
The pages in ink

That you gave up
Your one and only
Life just for me

Close it after an hour
Or two
Went into the other room

Get down in a prayer
Of life

Asking you father Jesus
To heal my wounded
Scars of life

Make me who you
Created me to be

Show me what's
Important in life

I fall short of your truth

I pray that I'll
Forever stay with you

In this name I pray
Jesus, amen...
Β©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger
Written by
Cherisse Unger  40/F/Colorado
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