The voices are screaming at me. Stop. STOP. STOP! With each time I get more...
The voices are threatening to **** me Telling me Dead. Carcass. Dead. Carcass.
STOP. Dead Carcass. A misinterpreted word. Stop Stop taking more Dont take any more...
Resisting the urge to take more Is almost unbearable Resort to taking artificial remedies Looking down at it as a lump begins to form in my throat. It's pure white.
The lump is washed away by the water... And the lump, watered down and soppy Was not enough to stop my tears. Rolling down my cheeks
Walking eventually becomes a challenge My frail body collapses... It's fuzzy and fading.
Is this the end to my eternal pain My bones almost seem to protrude from my skin I was slowly killing myself by stopping.... Because They already were protruding.