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Aug 2017
.love u my amazin dad so much it takes my breathe away...❤️❤️

Poem written by (Carla Goldie)me..

Are world has just got smaller,
Where confused,it's hard to think.
Nothins makin sense like when u have 2 much 2 drink,

Where lost an feelin helpless,
There's a hole left in r hearts,
who r we 2 go 2 wen things start t fall apart,

R worlds been left in pieces dad,
We don't no wha t do,
There's no1 else t fix this..the only 1 who could was u..

We've loved u since forever,
We've always bin r number 1,
Dad come stand here with us,
In r hearts u still live on

U will forever b r hero,
We felt so proud t look up to,
Wen things got hard u held r hand an helped t pull us through

So thank you dad were grateful,
For all the times tha u where..
A million times dad thank u..
Tha it was us ur love u shared..

But now r strength is in each other,
That's the way it has t b,
4 the last time dad stand with us,
Forever, U,John,Leanne and me...**

*** Love u 4Eva miss u everyday my amazin dad life's so quite with out u
carla goldie
Written by
carla goldie  liverpool
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