I tried to say goodbye the 20th of May I shaved my head in June I cried for you Friday night I ate my words Monday morning I weigh myself in cigarettes I tore my skin at noon I took my pills at midnight I cried for you Friday night I **** myself in my dreams I have too many doctors I have numerous track marks I cried for you Friday night I received a call from god but didn't answer I am walking a straight path into hell I have a blood stained smile to match your fist
I cried for you Friday night.
I smoke my pills at noon I tear my skin at midnight I cried for you this morning I answered a phone call from the devil I burned my bridges with god I smoke more than I weigh I lie to my doctors I lie to my friends I lie to myself I cry for you every night I died the 20th of May I ate my hair in June I no longer believe in Monday I bit your hand with my sharpened teeth I cried for you at 3 o'clock I cried for you while jumping off a bridge I cried for you in my sleep