We were born the way we are,
God made us in accordance to our destiny,
Yet, this world doesn't let us go far,
Or live in a state of serenity
Fat, black, short, round, ugly
Words used by the weak minded,
To suppress those with powerful ones, we all can never be free,
Human beings have been blinded
With hot, ****, gorgeous and beautiful people
Don't you understand, all this will eventually be feeble
Doing this makes self esteem fall,
Doesn't allow us to stand wide and tall inside our souls,
It prevents us from being whole
It's easy to say we should ignore,
It's not like this situation is a door,
That we can close and lock for good,
But perhaps we should, in the end,
From the people that offend
Say it all, say it all you want,
Abuse, mock, taunt
Because all of that will accumulate and become our strength,
We will prove you wrong,
This journey will be long,
But in the end, our Inner appearance will take us great lengths!