O sweet child What of this place Where I Must remain Shall we Meet again Here Or there Some holier place Do you Will you Or shall I know Your missions done What of mine
O sweet child Why Have you gone I feel So empty It is, Yours Though feels Like My time has come
O sweet child tell me a tale About A mom And her baby That she Never failed
Where the Momma did weep… Yet, Peace prevailed
O sweet child Child of mine Sing me Some songs Tell me You love me Help me Be strong
O Momma, yes Yes We shall Gather together You And me So peaceful So loving So tender So strong
And momma There will come A day And we Will understand About you Me God And his plan
O Momma If you had known What Was to come Would you Have had Such joy With such love You gave All that I needed Believe And be loved
(February 1991)
Auric Prelude;
The Word is Love Hope Salvation Fear not The Time Upon Us