I am a total wreck of a person A five car pile up stuck on the side of the highway Windows caved in and smoke billowing The ambulance is on the way To pick up all of the fragments that are Left on display and to Remove all of the glass that has the Potential to pull at my insides and Tear me apart.
I am torrential rain in the middle of night The lightning cracking across the sky and The winds whipping through and breaking the branches that land on your porch or Crash through your front door and Leave puddles behind that you have to clean up in the morning I am falling and pouring and I am terrifying to those few who Still hear their own screams in the thunder And who know what the rain feels like When it leaks from your eyes and There is no drought in sight. The flooding that drowns from the inside out.
I am an icecream cone on a hot day, I melt easily in the sun but You cant resist me, Three scoops of chocolate and vanilla and strawberry, An assortment for the assorted, The sticky sweet sugar on your tongue, The rush of cold going straight to your head and Causing a headache Press your tongue to the roof of your mouth And hope the pain goes but When it finally does, You take another bite and there's that cold again The desire you can't quench so you Lick and lick and lick Despite the repercussions because You like the way I taste.
I am a dandelion flower waiting to be picked Waiting for wishes to come from someone's lips and Feed my seeds so I can explore But i am easily torn from the ground, out by my roots, without my choosing to And i am easily cut down by blades pushed by those who dont See me or Dont care And I am easily tossed aside once all of My seeds have taken every wish to Their destination and I am just a **** And I will turn brown and rot and disappear and will be forgotten.
Its been a very long while since I have written. Not for lack of trying, of course. This came today and I tried to unwrap it the best I could but sometimes the words dont come out the same way they were sent and its a bit rough.