Marching through the streets chanting and hollering. Waving evil flags and burning tiki torches. Calling out for the death of many. Not thinking about their own. Anger, hatred, met with silence. Stillness, steadfast. Mace and truncheons meet faces and bodies. Close quarter hate-to-hate combat. Swastikas fly protected by sacred badges. While voices of peace lay on the ground in hopes of a better tomorrow. Peacefully we try and violently it fails. The fight never won by one side or the other. We can't share our living space. We can't share our voice. Coexist is a death sentence to those without weapons. We sharpen our tongues and dull our blades to fight this war on our own neighbors and friends. One day it will end. We just don't know when. The drums of war will quiet and give way to new peace.