There was a young man named Bright Who- traversed faster, with colors- Heat, cold and light. He set out one day, in a relative way... And returned on the previous night.
An airless wind- he turned it super cool- He stretched out to measure, the chalky fingerprints of Death, He took a chain, however long, He made it straight, however tight, Against the teeth of gravity and weight.
Vibrating Anger danced within the wisdom of Dark- Over bellowing waves and ineffable foam, to create tiny curled membranes of orbits. How flimsy, feeble and fragile it seemed- His yolk of thoughts screamed like a shower of shooting stars.
The geometry of winter sailed through- the ponderingly wondrous locus of infinity. There were those rushing waves- mountains which roared of thunderous shrieks, And, Ages on ages on a dead planet.
Then Came one Summer, swelling with the pleasures of a velocity. Which outshone the loss of fallen leaves, And he- sprayed iron and salt onto the light.
He became a young man named Bright- who whistled in wonder to swallow the lake of dreams, and overturning all its jars, like a feeble fevered coiled ghost, he vanished!