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Jun 2012
the cold, white building has been abandoned for seven years today.
what was once a majestic foundation for the analysis of a humanity, now an empty fable of
gargantuan men in
laboratory suits
and young women who thirsted to follow in the footsteps of the
honorable Florence.

The sanguine fluids left from the yesterdays and the yesterdays seep and transude into the
holy grounds of the asylum.
no man, no beast dares to disturb the forsaken soil,
the venerable clay loam out of which grows the neverending carnage of body and flesh.
lost voices of a
thousand schizophrenics
still scream
from the silent operations of their euthanasia.

the lands have not lied under the unadulterated, pure heavens since the genesis of
H. sapiens himself. This β€œwise, knowing man” has
doused and suffocated
the flame that radiated prospect, leaving the wide, exquisite cosmos
no more than a nefarious expanse of chaos and dismay.

The structure, the edifice of what was intended for
knowledge and bounty,
has indeed fallen
to the inauspicious prophecy that they molded and sculpted themselves.
Written by
Samuel Klistoff
     Nickolas M, Swells, ---, Odi, --- and 1 other
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