The tears poor down my cheeks Like waterfalls from soft white cliffs I start to wonder how It came to this I was just trying to end the fighting
I started out just taking the blame They knew it wasn't my fault Because she was there to hold me back Now I'm lost
My friends don't want to hurt me But they can't seem to stop Not understanding the pressure building up behind my eyes With their words like daggers stabbing into my sides
I try so hard to just take the pain As they stab me I should just smile as the blood starts pouring out I deserve it
I have to act like I'm okay shes not here to stop me and I just can't stop myself I just want to help
Then their words sink in They can't all be wrong What if it is my fault? What if everything is?
Then why fight it? You know how it ends Your always guilty Just stop fighting it
Maybe I am just wrong I must have some defect in my personality Maybe its always been this way I just had to lose her to see it
And now I know, I'm the defect AndΒ Β I'm breaking down I try to run But there's nowhere to go
I start to collapse Tears streaming Throat hurting Voice cracking
My legs start to crumble As I fall I know its my fault It always is I deserve it
I search through the tears Rolling down my bruised cheeks Blood stained knives sticking out of me As I lay there in the darkness
All I can choke out As the blood starts pooling World turning black "I'm sorry"
Just to help you understand this well the 'she' was a good friend of mine that died. Just for clarification sense I don't feel that's understood in this poem.