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Jun 2012
Why settle for a counterfeit
when you can have the genuine thing?
For the purpose of "new age" spirituality
is replacing God with the Human Being.

Working from a false assumption
that Man is essentially good,
will lead us down destruction's path
as History has taught us, as it would.

The fight for supremacy
of our human souls
is still being waged by the Devil
under his planetary control.

Humanism has its agenda
that's carefully worked under Satan's scope -
our demise is his goal, but settles
to leave us without any hope.

Author Note:

From my book: Reaching Towards His Unbounded Glory
The ISBN is: 1-4196-5051-3

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Joseph J Breunig 3rd
Written by
Joseph J Breunig 3rd  Southern Maine
(Southern Maine)   
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