I remember the day that I met you That was the day I realized you werent a stranger to me Sure we had only just met but I knew you I knew the child that hid behind your eyes Because that child hides behind mine It was as if we were connected Not physically and not mentally but emotionally Like we were both the playground for this sick child As if were only meant to hide this child As if this child was meant to be inside of us You see I know you Maybe not like a best friend or even an acquaintance But I know you I know you more than anyone else Sure I don't know your favorite color And I don't even know what you name is But I know you That look on your face And the sadness in your eyes are all to familiar You see when I was a kid I was happy Just like you were I'm sure But one day it changed You know the feeling Its all to familiar You see one day youre smiling You're happy and then You're lost Something changed And you want to be happy because thats what they expect But how can you be happy when your lost We are adults now And yet children at the same time Not because we are slow And not because we aren't mature But because we were never loved without love we cannot grow and I know that's not my fault But I can't blame the child either The child in a way protects us Shes hurt and doesn't know who she can trust Without trust there is no connection without connection there is no feelings and without feelings there is no pain. I know you Because I can't feel it either