The pettiness of people is pervasive. Those who feel better when others. fail. Feeling contempt and envy when others succeed. Reflecting ugliness behind their backs. Makes them feel better , superior somehow. People sniping at those after leaving the room. Talking ugly of those behind their backs, those who cannot defend. The world is rife with such little people. Those who manipulate with words and deeds, hoping to bruise the gentleness of others kindness. Seeing ulterior motives where none can be found. Those who stomp on the hearts of others if their sin is wearing it on their sleeves. The gotcha society so reflected in today's headlines and the internet. The world is crawling with little people looking to push underwater all those who cannot navigate the shark infested waters of our world. Take a look in the mirror... not a giant to be found. We are all little people, not a Saint in the bunch. Much work we all need do.