trigger warning* im picking at my own skin like im on some kind of drug but instead my cold sweats are caused by the ringing in my ears im telling you no please stop, i don't want to again please you are not listening you are only moaning do i owe you this? did my consent an hour ago warrant my consent now? it hurts god it hurts and i want to go home i ask you again eventually you stop and we lay next to each other i apologize and for what? i hear your insecure laugh between sentences now as i kneel down next to the toilet and dry heave i wonder how i could ever stomach the sound of that laugh again i watch my weight dwindle in my thighs and i remember the way you loved when i kissed your neck i feel my fingers grasping a cigarette but i don't recognize it as my own touch i know what to call it but i don't know how how i continued to love you despite the time you forced yourself on me in the place i felt the safest in your arms