"Do not stray too close this way" said the Flame to the Breeze. For in truth he was once a whirlwind, caught in himself, who'd scorned and sinned and choked her to an ember
A little flame. Warm, brave. Fills the wind with much trepidation. His shame, her pain, their past, regret. He yearns so much to roar and rage to be that breath to coax the flame, once again, into a conflagration
But alas, He does not wish to be so brash to ask for more than bricker brack and banter. For if the tale's to be told, it must be told in candor
He fights the urge to be bold. To howl, to squall. To not be too much, yet just enough, To stoke the coals of her gypsy soul. Untill it's light is bright enough she sets the world to cinders