maybe if you knew how much i loved you those angry voices wouldn't bruise so blue and you wouldn't feel the need to hide your third degree burns from me
maybe if you knew how much i loved you the anything's that sink deep in the left side of your brain wouldn't force feed you full until you tell me you don't want to eat
maybe if you knew how much i loved you that closet door you always keep wide open would shut and you'd pack your mask in a box you don't need
maybe if you knew how much i loved you your walks wouldn't bring you to the middle of the street traveling all alone at midnight when you leave
maybe if you knew how much i loved you whatever tells you i won't see it for long since you can't would stay quiet like black ashes falling from the sky in light debris
maybe if you knew how much i loved you you wouldn't still keep your pills in the drawer of your nightstand tucked underneath your white t shirt so only you can see
maybe if you knew how much i loved you earth would be bigger and nothing wouldn't scream nothing yet you can still hear it perfectly
maybe if you knew how much i loved you life would feel more like life and death is only mystery because you never quite get there when you dream
maybe if you knew how much i loved you you wouldn't need to dream as much as you do but i believe you that it's all to feel closer to me
maybe if you knew how much i loved you you'd recognize when i showed it maybe if i showed it