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Jul 2017
You endured all the pain
While we were on your womb
You carried us for nine months
Gave us life, shelter, and food

You woke up every night
To keep us off from crying
You swayed us in your arm
To maintain us from sleeping

Every morning you wake up early
To do the dishes and some laundry
To cook our favorite foods
And feed our hungry tummy

You worked very very hard for us
To sustain us what we need
Eventhough we sometimes broke your trust
We were very sorry for what we did

And even now as we grow old
We still respect what you always said
Though were very noisy and annoying
You always watch over us even in bed

Thank you mother for the care
The love and the happiness you bear
The clothes and shoes we always wear
The smile and tears we always share
♜ Erato ♜
Zin Candace
Written by
Zin Candace  17/F/Cebu, Philippines
(17/F/Cebu, Philippines)   
   Zin Candace
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